
Meal Planning 101

Meal Planning 101

September is a time of transition. The weather’s hopefully getting cooler, school is back in session, and we’ll begin spending more time indoors. And while we’ll have the same amount of it, we’re likely to feel a little more strapped for it.

If you work outside the home, dinner preparation can be even […]

By |August 31st, 2015|Uncategorized|0 Comments|

Challenge Your Core

Challenge Your Core
Try these exercises 2-3 times a week for best results.
Bridge:  Lie on your back with your feet shoulder width apart.  Draw your abs toward your spine and curl your hips off the floor.  Slowly return hips to the ground.  Repeat 10-15 times 1-2 sets.

Single Leg Bridge:  Lie on your back with one […]

Getting Fit and Staying Active

Getting Fit and Staying Active

Some people assume they are too busy, too old, too frail, or too out of shape to begin exercising.  Not true.  In fact, research shows that benefits will be gained from a fitness program whether you are 9 or 90.  It really doesn’t matter what kind of activity you do […]

Welcome to the Healthy Balance Fitness Blog

I am thrilled to announce the launch of my new website and blog,, providing Fitness Coaching and Personal Training for busy women. After working for 20 years in the fitness field, I recognize there is a specific need among women who are struggling to gain balance in their work, family, and personal lives.

It […]